These Truths Are Self-Evident At Family Wellness Chiropractic
The body is a self-healing and self-regulating organism. The brain sends information to every organ, tissue, and all seventy trillion cells of the body. This information is transmitted flawlessly, given there is no interference.
The body has the ability to heal any pathology and fight off any germ, given it is running properly.
If there is an interference with this information and its purpose to heal, regulate, and give life to the body, a condition known as subluxation will exist. The subluxation is a minor misalignment of the vertebra, which causes this information to become lessened, changed, or misrepresented.
The body can not function properly if the Nervous System is not functioning properly. Therefore, the condition of subluxation can be the cause of any sickness or pain and lead to disease. The removal of this interference is vitally necessary, in order to allow the body to fully express itself, function at its optimal potential, and heal at its maximum capacity.
Family Wellness Chiropractic (906) 226-9355 (WELL)
1465 W. Washington Street, Marquette, MI 49855